Salt Rooms

The most important element in a salt room is sufficient dry salt aerosol, micronized salt particles that are dispersed into the air during a Halotherapy session. The salt on the walls, the loose salt on the floors, the Himalayan salt bricks – all of those add to the wonderful, relaxing ambience of a salt room, and they contribute to the hypobacterial nature of salt rooms, but they do not yield any health benefits. While the first attempts at building salt rooms aimed to mimic natural salt caves by coating walls with salt, research quickly proved no matter how much salt was applied to interior surfaces, it was in ineffective at improving human health. 

Salt aerosol, which can only be produced by a halogenerator, proved to be essential factor.

Yet, more than 30 years of research and development have demonstrated that salt-coated walls have unexpected benefits that improve the functionality and ambience of salt rooms.

  • Salt-coated walls help maintain a constant temperature and control humidity.
  • They contribute to bacteria-free environment.
  • They help buffer noise outside the salt room.
  • And to salt room visitors, salt-coated walls and other decorative salt elements and floor treatments recreate the unique natural salt cave atmosphere, which promotes a sense of comfort and well-being.


Salt Room Layout

  1. Halogenerator
  2. Dry Salt Aerosol Sensor
  3. Inlet fan
  4. Exhaust fan
  5. Lighting fixtures
  6. Decorative elements